Michael Pavlovich – Los Angeles, CA

Senior Associate

Strom and Associates team member Michael Pavlovich

Dr. Pavlovich owns and operates Westcliff Compounding Pharmacy in Newport Beach, CA. He served as President of the California Pharmacists Association in 2000 and as Trustee of the American Pharmacists Association from 2008 to 2014. He is a 1989 graduate, cum laude of the University of the Pacific School of Pharmacy. He is an Adjunct Clinical Professor for numerous schools of pharmacy across the country, training student pharmacists in sterile and non-sterile compounding techniques.

He is the inventor and holder of US Patent 11,185,540 B2 for two dosage forms used in the management of opiate and alcohol addiction and has managed patients with pain and addiction for over 30 years. Mike is one of only two pharmacists ever named to serve as the US Olympic Committee’s Team Pharmacist, serving during the XXIX Olympiad in Beijing in 2008. He has addressed professional healthcare organizations nationwide on a variety of pharmacy-related topics and has advised clients from the USOC, MLB, NBA, NFL, NHL, and NCAA for over 20 years. He represented APhA on a joint task force with the National Athletic Trainers’ Association charged with creating guidelines for managing medication in the athletic medical facility and contributed to NATA’s “Position Statement: Anabolic-Androgenic Steroids”. He is co-author of “Clinical Pharmacology in Athletic Training”. He has practiced in long-term care, hospice, mail-service, compounding, and community pharmacy.

Mike has appeared as a guest on several local and national television programs to address various pharmacy-related topics and has served as a technical advisor for several public service announcements regarding opiate abuse.

Dr. Pavlovich has been recognized by APhA-APPM as a Fellow (2014), and for Distinguished Achievement Award in Specialized Pharmacy Practice (2012); and by CPhA as Student of the Year (1989), Distinguished Young Pharmacist (1995), and Pharmacist of The Year (2021).

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